Into a semi-abstract Journey: Check out Postcards From Dusseldorf

May 2024 onwards, the Dusseldorf Cultural Office has been hosting Zeynep Kaynar Studio at Aachener Str. 39 as the guest artist of 2024.

After two months of work in Dusseldorf, Kaynar displayed selected artworks at Atelier am Eck between June 20th and June 30th. 

The Dusseldorf residency period marks the start of a new project. In the pursuit of building a home and career, Kaynar analyzes different cities where she has worked and lived for the development of her artistic careerThe conceptual framework of the project involves recording her short living experiences in cities where Kaynar only has a basic understanding of cultural knowledge and spoken language. The artworks will depict the process of her integration into these short-living experiences and her initial impressions of Dusseldorf’s urban visual culture from the perspective of a contemporary Turkish artist living and working in Finland.

Furthermore, Kaynar invites the audience to contemplate the concept of immigrant integration while discovering the psychological processes behind relocation. She accomplishes this by combining the SAPP Alphabet with typographic forms and architectural shapes that define Dusseldorf. With the artworks produced during this residency, Kaynar challenges viewers to experience detachment from their spoken language. She invites visitors to rethink the culture of integration, analyze the self, and re-familiarize themselves with a new cultural experience in this unfamiliar place that she will create for them.

We opened the SAPP: Postcards from Dusseldor with the company of an intimate crowd. The evening program with opening speech of Angelique Tracik and Gesine Kikol. Later, we continued with a short guided tour and final speech by the artist. Rest of the evening gallery was filled with laughter, and a shared love for art ❤️ We are overwhelmed by comments, compliments and support everyone demonstrated during the opening event.

The SAPP: Postcards from Düsseldorf by gastkunstlerin Zeynep Kaynar is on display until 30.06.2024. Book an appointment for a guided tour of the exhibition.

The exhibition is supported by Landeshauptstadt Düsseldorf Kulturamt 

all images by Gesine Kikol